Introduction to Galaxy Australia-Variant Detection (University of Tasmania)
by EMBL-ABR<https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/introduction-to-galaxy-australia-variant-de…>
Wed. 12 September 2018
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm AEST
Add to Calendar<https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/introduction-to-galaxy-australia-variant-de…>
Room 473 / Video Conference Room, Centenary Building
Sandy Bay Campus
University of Tasmania
Hobart, TAS 7005
View Map<https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/introduction-to-galaxy-australia-variant-de…>
Hello all,
Don’t forget the second of our Galaxy workshops is next week!
You can still register here: https://variant-detection-galaxy-embl-abr-utas.eventbrite.com.au<https://variant-detection-galaxy-embl-abr-utas.eventbrite.com.au/>
– and you really should!
Here is a snapshot of the feedback from the first one that we ran all those weeks ago (not many):
In total there were 94 people around Australia taking part. We had 58 responses to the evaluation survey, and to give you an idea about the feedback:
- 100% of participants thought 'This was a useful workshop that enhanced my knowledge and skills.'
- all except for 1 person thought 'The content reflected the learning objectives of the workshop', 'The learning from this program increased my level of skills' and 'The exercises and activities enhanced my learning'.
- 100% said they agreed or strongly agreed with "The facilitator/s was/were organised and confident in the program content" and "The facilitator/s was/were responsive to individual questions and needs".... "Thanks for the local mentors!!"
- participants signed off with things like: "Good workshop - will make sure other members of my team attend these in future" and "I thought it was a nice workshop that blended both hands on activities and some lecture based materials for follow up. Great job. Thanks! I hope to come to more."
I hope to see you there!
Michael Charleston
Theoretical Phylogenetics Group
Organiser of Phylomania<http://www.maths.utas.edu.au/phylomania/phylomania2018.htm> conference 2018 November 21-23
Associate Professor in Bioinformatics
Co-director of Data, Knowledge and Decisions University Research Theme
Associate Head of School (Learning and Teaching)
School of Natural Sciences
University of Tasmania
Phone: +61 3 6226 2444
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