Hello Bioinformaticians!
Here is a survey from COMBINE, the amazing student-run bioinformatics organization in Australia.  They'd LOVE it if you would fill in this survey to help them plan events this year and next. Please can you help them out? 



Dear Bioinformatics community


Only 3 users have taken the below COMBINE survey!


If you would like training workshops for bioinformatics / computational biology in Tasmania now is your opportunity to show the need!


You do not need to be a COMBINE member to take the survey.


Survey closes 31st March 2023


Supervisors – please encourage your students to complete this! You can complete it too.












Hello, Bioinformatics community!

We are planning bioinformatics events for 2023, and we want your input. Please take this survey to tell us about your needs.

Take the survey now




To value your time and to appreciate your contribution, we will be giving out a $25 Prezze gift voucher to two randomly chosen participants. Please add your email when prompted if you wish to enter the draw.

Have you heard about COMBINE?


COMBINE is a student-run Australian organisation for students in computational biology, bioinformatics, and related fields. COMBINE is the student subcommittee of The Australian Bioinformatics And Computational Biology Society (ABACBS). We aim to bring together students and early-career researchers from the computational and life sciences for networking, collaboration, and professional development.


Australia has many research institutes, each with their own cohorts of students. Aside from conferences, there are few opportunities that bring these students together, allowing them to discover the different kinds of research going on at other institutes. COMBINE aims to bridge this institutional divide by organising seminars, workshops and social events, also as the yearly COMBINE Student Symposium. Together, these events allow students to connect with each other and build a network in a casual environment.



Are you not a COMBINE member yet? Please join now!



Kind regards,


Gayathry Krishnamurthy

COMBINE Training and Events Officer (TAS)

PhD Candidate (Medical Studies)


Menzies Institute for Medical Research

University of Tasmania





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