Hello everyone,
We are looking for a PhD student to help develop a wildlife health intelligence system! This machine learning project but will include regular interactions with Tasmanian
devils in captivity and some fieldwork. Contact me at
andy.flies@utas.edu.au for more info. Please share this message with any people or lists that might be interested
Selection criteria
Basic to advanced computer programming skills
Prior experience in machine learning algorithms
Ability to work with a diverse academic and industry team
Interested people can see a bit more about our research program on this recent ABC 7:30 program video.
Kind regards,
Andrew S. Flies, PhD
Senior Research Fellow
Chair – UTAS Institutional Biosafety Committee
Menzies Institute for Medical Research
University of Tasmania
t: +61 3 6226 4614 | e: Andy.Flies@utas.edu.au
| Facebook: WildImmunity
@WildImmunity | Youtube:
@WildImmunity | Instagram:
Wild and Comparative Immunology Consortium
Recent publication:
Class II transactivator induces expression of MHC-I and MHC-II in transmissible Tasmanian devil facial tumours
(Open Biology)
Recent publication:
A human adenovirus encoding IFN-ã can transduce Tasmanian devil facial tumour cells and upregulate MHC-I (Journal of General Virology)
Recent publication:
Fluorescent Adaptable Simple Theranostic (FAST) proteins for single-step testing of recombinant proteins (Science Advances)
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