If there’s anyone out there who hasn’t yet heard of phylogenetics, or didn’t know that the University of Tasmania is the home of the strongest group of researchers working on it in Australia, well… you need to get out more. In particular, you need to get out to phylogenetics conferences! Oh look – here’s one:
This is a call to register to attend Phylomania 2017 - The 9th Annual conference of the UTAS Theoretical Phylogenetics group, to be held 6th-8th December in Hobart, Tasmania. This year it will be combined with the 2017 Australasian Evolution Society meetinghttps://aesconference2017.wordpress.com/, running from 4th to 6th December. Yes, there’s a deliberate day of overlap (including the combined conference dinner).
Phylomania (and the AES meeting) will be held within the School of Physical Sciences at the Sandy Bay campus of the University of Tasmania. The meeting will bring together mathematicians and biologists to discuss current research in phylogenetics and related areas.
If your presentation is likely to also suit the AES audience then you can indicate that you’d like it to be considered for that combined day, when you register. There’s also a place there for you to enter an abstract: if you do, use normal text, html, or LaTeX. If you only have a (rough!) title just now that’s fine, you can update us with more information closer to the conference. You can bring a talk, or a poster, or both!
All the details and some pertinent local information can be found at the meeting website http://www.maths.utas.edu.au/phylomania/phylomania2017.htm.
General registration is set at $175, with a reduced rate of $120 for students, to cover catering. The conference dinner is $75. The AES has the same costing, and there’s a discount rate for the whole combined conference of $300 ($200 for students).
To register please use the form on the website given above, and payment is through that page too.
Please do feel free to forward this announcement to others who may be interested in attending — the more the merrier!
Best wishes, Mike Charleston and the Theoretical Phylogenetics Grouphttp://www.maths.utas.edu.au/People/Holland/theoreticalPhylogenetics.htm
Michael Charleston Associate Professor in Bioinformatics Co-director of Data, Knowledge and Decisions Research Theme Head of UTAS node of EMBL-ABR School of Physical Sciences University of Tasmania AUSTRALIA phone: +61 3 6226 2444
p.s. Phylogenetics is the discipline of uncovering the evolutionary relationships among species back in time, from data that we observe in the present. It’s a statistical process, involving groovy maths and big computers, and it has massive importance in biology – it’s the statistical framework to compare species, after all.
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