There’s a slight overall preference for Thursdays, 4pm, for a (mostly?) regular meeting of bioinformatics-related things.
With that in mind I’ve booked a room, Lecture Theatre 2 in the Maths & Physics building, Sandy Bay Campus, for each Thursday at 4-5pm.
I’ve chosen a lecture theatre to make it possible for people to present stuff, but we can of course be as informal as we like.
Last week during the visit of Vicky Schneider we discussed the potential for a forum in which people could ask questions locally, and at all levels, about bioinformatics-related things, and I’m investigating options for that; one possibility is
using the open-source software that’s used to run BioStars itself (available from
It’s not clear how long it will take to do it, though, so in the meantime I’ll set up a blog site (wordpress) for the activities of the bioinformatics list. If you’d like to be involved in administration of the site, please let me know: it would
be useful to have more than just one person doing it, to ensure quick responses and that the site is kept up to date.
Best wishes
Michael Charleston
Associate Professor in Bioinformatics
School of Physical Sciences
University of Tasmania
phone: +61 3 6226 2444