We are seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the field of bioinformatics, School of Natural Sciences (https://www.utas.edu.au/natural-sciences), part of the College of Sciences and Engineering (https://universitytasmania.sharepoint.com/sites/CoSE).
This position will be located within the School of Natural Sciences. The Postdoctoral Research Fellow will undertake research as part of a project funded by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture, at the University of Tasmania node. The candidate will contribute to a key project within the Centre led by Chief Investigator Prof. Steven Smith and Prof. Michael Charleston entitled ‘Integrating multi-omics data to reveal gene expression networks in plants.’ The project will involve collaboration with other nodes of the Centre of Excellence.
The Postdoctoral Research Fellow will develop new computational tools to gain greater insight into gene regulation by integrating different -omics datasets and interrogating them in ways that will reveal previously inaccessible information and understanding. This will require extending existing software packages while laying the groundwork to develop new analysis pipelines and programs. The researcher should have recognised expertise in biostatistics / bioinformatics, and programming, e.g., using R, python or C++. The researcher will be actively engaged with experimental biologists from the outset to ensure synergy between experimental and computational biology. In addition, they will contribute substantially to interaction with collaborators, project integration and reporting, and the supervision of research students. The appointee will be expected to operate with a degree of independence following general direction from the project leaders, and to interact positively and productively with other researchers participating in the project.
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