Hi there!

If you haven't registered for Phylomania 2019 (It Goes To Eleven) then there's still time.  It runs from 20th to 22nd November, here in Sandy Bay.

While we are now in the throes of putting the schedule together we do have some room for a few more presentations, so head over to http://www.maths.utas.edu.au/phylomania/phylomania2019.htm and register!

This is *the* phylogenetics conference in Australia, even if we do say so ourselves: it's friendly, it's leading edge stuff, it's varied, and we have good food, and fantastic t-shirts..


Michael Charleston

Mathematical Biology Group
Organiser of Phylomania conference 2019 November 20-22
Associate Professor in Bioinformatics
Associate Head of School (Learning and Teaching)
Academic co-Lead, UTAS - Data, Knowledge, Decisions
School of Natural Sciences
University of Tasmania
Phone: +61 3 6226 2444

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