Job opportunity at CSIRO!
From: Sophie Mazard Date: Tuesday, 7 August 2018 at 11:08 am To: Sophie Mazard Subject: CSIRO: Research Projects Officer - Bioinformatics, Australian Microbiome
Dear all,
As part of their commitments to the Australian Microbiome initiative, CSIRO is looking to appoint a Research Projects Officer who will provide bioinformatics, organisational and database integration support for the Australian Microbiome Initiative.
For further information on the position advertised see:
Could you please share this advertised position with anyone who may be interested. Andrew Bissett is happy to be contacted for questions regarding the position.
Thank you in advance for your help
Best wishes Sophie
Dr Sophie Mazard -- Project Manager -- Bioplatforms Australia Ltd Level 4, Building 4WW, Research Park Drive, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia Phone: +612 9850 6286 | Mobile: +61 403 562 230 | Email: | Web: www.bioplatforms.com
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